วันศุกร์ที่ 13 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2553

What is the face?

Western visitors to Thailand often find themselves struggling for an explanation of the secrets of Thai behavior. Why do so sometimes, there are strange behavior? In a joint statement presented often the Thai concept of "face".

Why not admit that they are wrong? Would lose face. Why not admit that they do not know? Would lose face. Why do I get bad service? Why you lost your patience and lose face. Again and again, when newcomers askFor an explanation of some aspect of Thai strange behavior, give simple explanation of this vintage.

I often wonder if the influence of the face is not high enough. Are the concepts of face really so different from ours?

What is the face?

Face is a concept that is prevalent in most of southern and eastern Europe. It is the idea that it is important to get your reputation and does not look bad to others. It 's good to have a high social status. And 'goodhave a good job, a position of responsibility or influence. It 'difficult to see or fail to do something stupid being.

And 'cause shame that other people lose face. Thus, while the care of their reputation, you should try not to humiliate others.

If you are looking for these ideas, there is nothing unusual in itself. Not everyone wants to have a good reputation? There should be respect for each other? They act as universal concepts. However, the belief that they are far morea leading role in Asia and elsewhere.

How to take the job in Thailand?

How does Thai facial behavior is a big problem. If you really analyze, you could write a book on the subject. We're just trying to scratch the surface. The first thing to say that the following generalizations. Many Thais are not affected so much of the face. However, there are some ways to deal consistently looks at life in Thailand.

Personal appearance

PersonallyAppearance is important. It 's the first impression to humans. Thais are generally wealthy, he turned especially when working, going out or dealing with officials.

Many Westerners in Thailand, you can enjoy the relaxed atmosphere and like to dress casual flop dirty old shirts, shorts and flip. This is good in situations, casual, but you can make a bad impression in more formal situations, how to deal with officials. Government officials and offices are in positions of respect andIf you turn sloppy, can begin to see how disrespectful.

You'll feel worse if this opening tattoos, piercings or unusual haircuts. These are all things that are in Thailand associated with lower class people. We want a hierarchical society and influence the impression that the officials of the response is to receive the sun Looking smart is not everything, but is a factor in good service.


Thisimportant to act with some dignity. Thais are not serious people, but still wear you like a little 'modesty. Joking and nonsense is about well within the limits, but do not show a too high or you.


And 'bad losing patience or discuss in public. This does not mean it did not happen. The Thai people are human and prone to the odd outburst like most people. However, they usually try to control their anger and maintain theirSerenity. If you are then in a case they believe a strong word and a smile cold are better ways to express their views and also her face.

Caring for others

It 'important to help other people keep their face. Cause someone to lose face another fact to a loss of face for themselves. The strange thing is that the very faces of people I respect them. People gossip behind your back since it is commonWest.

Reaction on the face of losing too

A strange thing is that about-face Thais can overreact when they feel they have lost face. Although we have already noticed that your mood is to lose a loss of face if the Thais do not lose patience, you can lose big. They know they are bad and tries to save face, and may actually increase their anger. The result can be extreme over-reactions, and sometimes violence.


These are justa variety of ways to deal with Thai influences behavior. But if you look, none of them foreigners, Western values. We want to look good, make a good impression, we want people to like and respect us. We tend to believe that it is good to control our minds and respect for others.

There is no doubt a factor in understanding behavior is a Thai face. It plays on the Thai mentality so subtle and profound. But I think it is a mistakeover the state of its importance. Declarations of Thai behavior are often much simpler. Human nature is still the greatest driving force. The things that influence our behavior, such as love, greed and ego are the forces that influence Thai.

Thais are not so different from us. The reason why there is often an easy Thai behavior - people are complicated.

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